

Kyle Mann





This tutorial will cover how to interact with SilviMetric, including the key commands initialize, info, scan, shatter, and extract. These commands make up the core functionality of SilviMetric and will allow you convert point cloud files into a storage system with TileDB and extract the metrics that are produced into rasters or read with the library/language of your choice.


SilviMetric was created as a spiritual successor to FUSION, a C++ library written by Robert McGaughey, with a focus on the point cloud metric extraction and management capability that FUSION provides in the form of GridMetrics. SilviMetric aims to handle the challenge of computing statistics and metrics from LiDAR data by using Python instead of C++, delegate data management to TileDB, and leverage the wealth of capabilities provided in the machine learning and scientific computing ecosystem of Python. The goal is to create a library and command line utilities that a wider audience of researchers and developers can contribute to, support distributed computing and storage systems in the cloud, and provide a convenient solution to the challenge of distributing and managing LiDAR metrics that are typically used for forestry modeling.



TileDB is an open source database engine for array data. Some features that it provides that make it especially attractive for the challenge that SilviMetric has include:

  • Sophisticated “infinite” sparse array support

  • Time travel

  • Multiple APIs (Python, C++, R, Go, Java)

  • Cloud object store (S3, AzB, GCS)


PDAL provides point cloud processing, translation, and data conditioning utilities that SilviMetric depends upon to read, ingest, and process point cloud data.


Dask provides the parallel execution engine for SilviMetric.


NumPy is the array processing library of Python that other libraries in the ecosystem build upon including PDAL, SciPy, scikit-learn and PyTorch/Tensorflow.

Command Line Interface Usage


The base options for SilviMetric include setup options that include dask setup options, log setup options, and progress reporting options. The click python library requires that commands and options associated with specific groups appear in certain orders, so our base options will always be first.

Usage: silvimetric [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

-d, --database PATH             Database path
--debug                         Print debug messages?
--log-level TEXT                Log level (INFO/DEBUG)
--log-dir TEXT                  Directory for log output
--progress BOOLEAN              Report progress
--workers INTEGER               Number of workers for Dask
--threads INTEGER               Number of threads per worker for Dask
--watch                         Open dask diagnostic page in default web
--dasktype [threads|processes]  What Dask uses for parallelization. For
                                moreinformation see here https://docs.dask.o
--scheduler [distributed|local|single-threaded]
                                Type of dask scheduler. Both are local, but
                                are run with different dask libraries. See
                                more here https://docs.dask.org/en/stable/sc
--help                          Show this message and exit.


initialize will create a TileDB database that will house all future information that is collected about processed point clouds, including attribute data collected about point in a cell, as well as the computed metrics for each individual combination of Attribute and Metric for each cell.

Here you will need to define the root bounds of the data, which can be larger than just one dataset, as well as the coordinate system it will live in. You will also need to define any Attributes and Metrics, as these will be propagated to future processes.


$ DB_NAME="western-us.tdb"
$ BOUNDS="[-14100053.268191, 3058230.975702, -11138180.816218, 6368599.176434]"
$ EPSG=3857

$ silvimetric --database $DB_NAME initialize --bounds "$BOUNDS" --crs "EPSG:$EPSG"


Usage: silvimetric initialize [OPTIONS]

--bounds BOUNDS         Root bounds that encapsulates all data  [required]
--crs CRS               Coordinate system of data  [required]
-a, --attributes ATTRS  List of attributes to include in Database
-m, --metrics METRICS   List of metrics to include in Database
--resolution FLOAT      Summary pixel resolution
--help                  Show this message and exit.

User-Defined Metrics

SilviMetric supports creating custom user defined Metrics not provided by the base software. These behave the same as provided Metrics, but can be defined per-database.

You can create a metrics module by following the sample below, and substituting any number of extra metrics in place of p75 and p90. When looking for a metrics module, we look for a method named metrics, and that it returns a list of Metric objects. The methods that are included in these objects need to be able to be serialized by dill in order to be pushed and fetched to and from the database.

 1 import numpy as np
 3 from silvimetric.resources import Metric
 5 def metrics() -> list[Metric]:
 7     def p75(arr: np.ndarray):
 8         return np.percentile(arr, 75)
 9     m_p75 = Metric(name='p75', dtype=np.float32, method = p75)
11     def p90(arr: np.ndarray):
12         return np.percentile(arr, 90)
13     m_p90 = Metric(name='p90', dtype=np.float32, method = p90)
15     return [m_p75, m_p90]

When including the metrics in the initialize step, be sure to include them by doing -m ‘./path/to/metrics.py’. At this point, you will need to have all other metrics you would like to include as well.


$ METRIC_PATH="./path/to/python_metrics.py"
$ silvimetric --database $DB_NAME initialize --bounds "$BOUNDS" \
      --crs "EPSG:$EPSG" \
      -m $METRIC_PATH -m min -m max -m mean


Additional Metrics cannot be added to a SilviMetric after it has been initialized at this time.


scan will allow us to look through the nodes of the point cloud file that you’d like to run in order to determine a good number of cells you should include per tile. The Shatter process will take steps to try to inform itself of the best splits possible before doing it’s work. The filter process will remove any sections of the bounds that are empty before we get to the shatter process, removing some wasted compute time. By performing a scan ahead of time though, you only need to do it once.

When scan looks through each section of the data, it looks to see how many points are here, how much area this section is taking up, and what depth we’re at in the octree. If any of these pass the defined thresholds, then we stop splitting and return that tile. The number of cells in that tile further tells us how best to split the data.

One standard deviation from the mean is a good starting point for a shatter process, but this won’t always be perfect for your use case.


Usage: silvimetric scan [OPTIONS] POINTCLOUD

Scan point cloud and determine the optimal tile size.

--resolution FLOAT     Summary pixel resolution
--filter               Remove empty space in computation. Will take extra
--point_count INTEGER  Point count threshold.
--depth INTEGER        Quadtree depth threshold.
--bounds BOUNDS        Bounds to scan.
--help                 Show this message and exit.


$ FILEPATH="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/usgs-lidar-public/MT_RavalliGraniteCusterPowder_4_2019/ept.json"
$ silvimetric -d $DB_NAME --watch scan $FILEPATH


2024-02-05 17:29:21,464 - silvimetric - INFO - scan:24 - Tiling information:
2024-02-05 17:29:21,465 - silvimetric - INFO - scan:25 -   Mean tile size: 447.98609121670717
2024-02-05 17:29:21,465 - silvimetric - INFO - scan:26 -   Std deviation: 38695.06897023395
2024-02-05 17:29:21,465 - silvimetric - INFO - scan:27 -   Recommended split size: 39143


shatter is where the vast majority of the processing happens. Here SilviMetric will take all the previously defined variables like the bounds, resolution, and our tile size, and it will split all data values up into their respective bins. From here, SilviMetric will perform each Metric previously defined in initialize over the data in each cell. At the end of all that, this data will be written to a SparseArray in TileDB, where it will be much easier to access.


Usage: silvimetric shatter [OPTIONS] POINTCLOUD

--bounds BOUNDS                 Bounds for data to include in processing
--tilesize INTEGER              Number of cells to include per tile
--report                        Whether or not to write a report of the
                                process, useful for debugging
--date [%Y-%m-%d|%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ]
                                Date the data was produced.
--dates <DATETIME DATETIME>...  Date range the data was produced during
--help                          Show this message and exit.


$ BOUNDS='[-12317431.810079003, 5623829.111356639, -12304931.810082098, 5642881.670239899]'
$ silvimetric -d $DB_NAME \
      --watch shatter $FILEPATH \
      --tilesize 100 \
      --date 2024-02-05 \
      --report \
      --bounds $BOUNDS


info provides the ability to inspect the SilviMetric database. Here you can see past Shatter processes that have been run, including point counts, attributes, metrics, and other process metadata.


Usage: silvimetric info [OPTIONS]

--bounds BOUNDS                 Bounds to filter by
--date [%Y-%m-%d|%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ]
                                Select processes with this date
--dates <DATETIME DATETIME>...  Select processes within this date range
--name TEXT                     Select processes with this name
--help                          Show this message and exit.


$ silvimetric -d $DB_NAME info


 2    "attributes": [
 3        {
 4            "name": "Z",
 5            "dtype": "<f8",
 6            "dependencies": null
 7        }
 8    ],
 9    "metadata": {
10        "tdb_dir": "western-us.tdb",
11        "log": {
12            "logdir": null,
13            "log_level": "INFO",
14            "logtype": "stream",
15            "logfilename": "silvimetric-log.txt"
16        },
17        "debug": false,
18        "root": [
19            -14100053.268191,
20            3058230.975702,
21            -11138180.816218,
22            6368599.176434
23        ],
24        "crs": {"PROJJSON"}
25        "resolution": 30.0,
26        "attrs": [
27            {
28                "name": "Z",
29                "dtype": "<f8",
30                "dependencies": null
31            }
32        ],
33        "metrics": [
34            {
35                "name": "mean",
36                "dtype": "<f4",
37                "dependencies": null,
38                "method_str": "def m_mean(data):\n    return np.mean(data)\n",
39                "method": "gASVKwAAAAAAAACMHHNpbHZpbWV0cmljLnJlc291cmNlcy5tZXRyaWOUjAZtX21lYW6Uk5Qu"
40            }
41        ],
42        "version": "0.0.1",
43        "capacity": 1000000
44    },
45    "history": []


extract is the final stop, where SilviMetric outputs the metrics that been binned up nicely, and will output them as rasters to where you select.


Usage: silvimetric extract [OPTIONS]

Extract silvimetric metrics from DATABASE

-a, --attributes ATTRS  List of attributes to include output
-m, --metrics METRICS   List of metrics to include in output
--bounds BOUNDS         Bounds for data to include in output
-o, --outdir PATH       Output directory.  [required]
--help                  Show this message and exit.


$ OUT_DIR="western-us-tifs"
$ silvimetric -d $DB_NAME extract --outdir $OUT_DIR

Python API Usage

Everything that can be done from the command line can also be performed from within Python. The CLI provides some nice wrapping around some of the setup pieces, including config, log, and Dask handling, but all of these are pieces that you can set up on your own as well.

import os
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
import pdal
import json
from dask.distributed import Client
import webbrowser

from silvimetric.resources import Storage, Metric, Metrics, Bounds, Pdal_Attributes
from silvimetric.resources import StorageConfig, ShatterConfig, ExtractConfig
from silvimetric.commands import scan, shatter, extract

########## Setup #############

# Here we create a path for our current working directory, as well as the path
# to our forest data, the path to the database directory, and the path to the
# directory that will house the raster data.
curpath = Path(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)))
filename = "https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/usgs-lidar-public/MT_RavalliGraniteCusterPowder_4_2019/ept.json"
db_dir_path = Path(curpath  / "western_us.tdb")

db_dir = str(db_dir_path)
out_dir = str(curpath / "westsern_us_tifs")
resolution = 10 # 10 meter resolution

# we'll use PDAL python bindings to find the srs of our data, and the bounds
reader = pdal.Reader(filename)
p = reader.pipeline()
qi = p.quickinfo[reader.type]
bounds = Bounds.from_string((json.dumps(qi['bounds'])))
srs = json.dumps(qi['srs']['json'])

######## Create Metric ########
# Metrics give you the ability to define methods you'd like applied to the data
# Here we define, the name, the data type, and what values we derive from it.

def make_metric():
    def p75(arr: np.ndarray):
        return np.percentile(arr, 75)

    return Metric(name='p75', dtype=np.float32, method = p75)

###### Create Storage #####
# This will create a tiledb database, same as the `initialize` command would
# from the command line. Here we'll define the overarching bounds, which may
# extend beyond the current dataset, as well as the CRS of the data, the list
# of attributes that will be used, as well as metrics. The config will be stored
# in the database for future processes to use.

def db():
    perc_75 = make_metric()
    attrs = [
        for a in ['Z', 'NumberOfReturns', 'ReturnNumber', 'Intensity']
    metrics = [
        for m in ['mean', 'min', 'max']
    st_config = StorageConfig(db_dir, bounds, resolution, srs, attrs, metrics)
    storage = Storage.create(st_config)

###### Perform Shatter #####
# The shatter process will pull the config from the database that was previously
# made and will populate information like CRS, Resolution, Attributes, and what
# Metrics to perform from there. This will split the data into cells, perform
# the metric method over each cell, and then output that information to TileDB

def sh():
    sh_config = ShatterConfig(db_dir, filename, tile_size=200)
    with Client(n_workers=10, threads_per_worker=3, timeout=100000) as client:
        shatter(sh_config, client)

###### Perform Extract #####
# The Extract step will pull data from the database for each metric/attribute combo
# and store it in an array, where it will be output to a raster with the name
# `m_{Attr}_{Metric}.tif`. By default, each computed metric will be written
# to the output directory, but you can limit this by defining which Metric names
# you would like
def ex():
    ex_config = ExtractConfig(db_dir, out_dir)

####### Perform Scan #######
# The Scan step will perform a search down the resolution tree of the COPC or
# EPT file you've supplied and will provide a best guess of how many cells per
# tile you should use for this dataset.

def sc():

if __name__ == "__main__":