
class silvimetric.resources.attribute.Attribute(name: str, dtype)#

Bases: object

Represents point data from a PDAL execution that has been binned, and provides the information necessary to transfer that data to the database.

dtype: AttributeDtype#

SilviMetric representation of array of numpy dtype

entry_name() str#

Return TileDB attribute name.

static from_dict(data: dict) Attribute#

Make an Attribute from a JSON like object

static from_string(data: str) Attribute#

Create Attribute from string or dict version of it.


data – Stringified or json object of attribute


TypeError – Incorrect type of incoming data, must be string or dict


Return derived Attribute

make_array(data, copy=False)#

Create Pandas Extension array for TileDB compatibility.


Name of the attribute, eg. Intensity.

schema() Attr#

Create the tiledb schema for this attribute. :return: TileDB attribute schema

to_json() object#


class silvimetric.resources.metric.Metric(name: str, dtype: dtype, method: Callable[[DataFrame, Any], DataFrame], dependencies: list[Self] = [], filters: List[Callable[[DataFrame, Any | None], DataFrame]] = [], attributes: List[Attribute] = [])#

Bases: object

A Metric is a TileDB entry representing derived cell data. There is a base set of metrics available through Silvimetric, or you can create your own. A Metric object has all the information necessary to facilitate the derivation of data as well as its insertion into the database.

add_filter(fn: Callable[[DataFrame, Any | None], DataFrame], desc: str)#

Add filter method to list of filters to run before calling main method.


List of Attributes this Metric applies to. If empty it’s used for all Attributes


Metrics this is dependent on.

do(data: DataFrame, *args) DataFrame#

Run metric and filters. Use previously run metrics to avoid running the same thing multiple times.


Numpy data type.

entry_name(attr: str) str#

Name for use in TileDB and extract file generation.


List of user-defined filters to perform before performing method.

static from_dict(data: dict) Metric#
static from_string(data: str) Self#

Metric name. eg. mean

run_filters(data: DataFrame) DataFrame#
sanitize_and_run(d, locs, args)#

Sanitize arguments, find the indices

schema(attr: Attribute) Any#

Create schema for TileDB creation.




TileDB Attribute

to_json() dict[str, any]#