- silvimetric.commands.scan.extent_handle(extent: Extents, data: Data, res_threshold: int = 100, pc_threshold: int = 600000, depth_threshold: int = 6, log: Log = None) list[int] #
Recurisvely iterate through quad tree of this Extents object with given threshold parameters.
- Parameters:
extent – Current Extent.
data – Data object created from point cloud file.
res_threshold – Resolution threshold., defaults to 100
pc_threshold – Point count threshold., defaults to 600000
depth_threshold – Tree depth threshold., defaults to 6
- Returns:
Returns list of Extents that fit thresholds.
- silvimetric.commands.scan.scan(tdb_dir: str, pointcloud: str, bounds: Bounds, point_count: int = 600000, resolution: float = 100, depth: int = 6, filter: bool = False, log: Log = None)#
Scan pointcloud and determine appropriate tile sizes.
- Parameters:
tdb_dir – TileDB database directory.
pointcloud – Path to point cloud.
bounds – Bounding box to filter by.
point_count – Point count threshold., defaults to 600000
resolution – Resolution threshold., defaults to 100
depth – Tree depth threshold., defaults to 6
filter – Remove empty Extents. This takes longer, but is more accurage., defaults to False
- Returns:
Returns list of point counts.